Promotional Events

Dissemination Studies
Project introduction and information meeting was held for all members of Aydın beekeepers' union who are beekeeping in Aydın province and its districts. About 500 people attended the meeting.
Aydın province beekeepers with the board of directors with female beekeepers 
  • An agricultural fair was held in Aydın in April.
    • Beekeepers' union and cooperative opened a promotion and sales stand
    • MEDİ BEEB project presentation was made at this stand. 
    • Project promotion posters were hung and brochures were distributed. 
    • Participants were informed about the project.
    • 500 thousand visitors to the fair this year

News about the events took place in the local and national press.
The project promotion also positively affected the sales of honey and other bee products.

The European Union project called "Medicinal Beekeeping for Beekeepers - MEDI-BEEB" was introduced in the European Union Parliament.

rof. Dr. Murat YILMAZ, faculty member of Aydın Adnan Menderes University from Turkey, the project coordinator country, introduced the European Union project called "Medicinal Beekeeping for Beekeepers - MEDI-BEEB" at the European Union Parliament in Brussels.
It was also emphasized that the training of beekeepers is important in the production of bee products used in the field of health. If healthy bee products were not produced by beekeepers, it would not be possible for doctors to find bee products for apitherapy purposes. For this reason, it was emphasized that beekeepers play a key role in apitherapy and that training beekeepers in this regard is important.

Project partner Prof. Dr. Kemal ÇELİK from Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University presented information about Apitherapy and especially the medical effects of propolis.
It was also emphasized that beekeepers have difficulty in competing with fake honey in the market, that policy makers must take stricter measures in this regard, and that beekeepers must be supported in every aspect.
It has been reported that pesticides and all chemicals in agricultural areas harm bees, reduce the bee population, and leave residues in bee products. It has been reported that bees are of vital importance for humans and all other living things, especially due to their role in the pollination of plants.