Project Needs Analysis Report

Needs Analysis Report in Türkiye – General information

In Türkiye, a face-to-face survey was conducted with 351 beekeepers operating in region of Aydın Adnan Menderes University, Aydın Province Beekeepers' Association (248 questionnaires) and Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (103 questionnaires) . The survey results were analysed and interpreted by Aydın Adnan Menderes University and Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University.
Needs Analysis Report in Lithuania – General information

In Lithuania, a questionnaire was used to do the National Need Analysis. The beekeepers were asked to fill out the survey. The platform for national surveys,, was used to create the online survey. Information about the survey was shared through the Lithuanian Professional Beekeepers Association "Austėja," the Lithuanian Beekeepers Union, the Lithuanian Beekeepers Association, and the Facebook groups Beekeepers and Lithuanian Beekeepers. In all, 100 answers have been gathered.
Needs Analysis Report in Poland – General information

Information about the survey was shared through the Polish Professional Beekeepers Associations (19 beekeepers associations from various regions of Poland: Stowarzyszenie Pszczelnicze Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej We Wrocławiu, Dolnośląski Związek Pszczelarzy we Wrocławiu, Koło Pszczelarzy Wrocław Fabryczna, Polski Związek Pszczelarski, Świętokrzyski Związek Pszczelarzy w Kielcach, Regionalny Związek Pszczelarzy w Toruniu, Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Opolu, Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Poznaniu, Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Łodzi, Lubuski Związek Pszczelarzy, Regionalny Związek Pszczelarzy w Częstochowie, Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Szczecinie, Śląski Związek Pszczelarzy w Katowicach, Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Rzeszowie, Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Lublinie, Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Olsztynie, Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Gdańsku, Wojewódzki Związek Pszczelarzy w Krakowie, Podlaski Związek Pszczelarzy w Białymstoku) as well as the Facebook groups for persons involved (9 Facebook groups: Pszczelarstwo moje Hobby, Giełda pszczelarska, Wszystko czego potrzebuje pszczelarz, Klub pszczelarski, Pszczelarstwo.PL, Pszczelarstwo amatorskie, Apiterapia, Giełda Miodu, Polski miód i produkty pszczele, Pszczelarstwo z Pasją, Api-domek i apiterapia).

The questionnaire consisted of 4 questions about personal information and 22 questions about their activities related to beekeeping. The beekeepers were asked to fill out the survey. In all, 106 answers have been gathered.

Needs Analysis Report in Italy – General information

A survey was conducted in Italy, with involvement of 150 beekeepers, focused on a questionnaire constituted of 4 questions related to personal information and 22 questions with technical content. All the beekeepers were contacted individually by WhatsApp calls and e-mails. The interviewees were members of beekeepers’ associations, Associazione Produttori Apistici Umbri, APAU, collecting more than 500 beekeepers, individuals and members of cooperatives, Apicoltura Etica e Solidale AES Umbria, and Apicoltori Gubbio Gualdo Tadino soc. coop. agr.